Names From… The California Octuplets

February 15, 2009 at 8:11 pm (Names From...)

I’m so sorry it’s been a month since I have updated! But now I am back, with commentary on the highly polarizing news story of the California Octuplets.

More accurately, the babies are the Suleman octuplets, born to 33-year-old divorcee Nadya Suleman. Added to her six previous kids, Ms. Suleman now has 14 kids 7 and under.

And… the names!:

Noah – male,
Maliah – female
Isaiah – male
Nariah – female
Makai – male
Josiah – male
Jeremiah – male
Jonah – male

And we can’t forget the other 6!

7-year-old Elijah Makai
6-year-old Amerah Yasmeen
5-year-old Joshua Jacob
3-year-old Aiden
2-year-old Calyssa Arielle*
2-year-old Caleb Kai*
*denotes twins.
WDYT? I’m actually impressed with the octuplets’ names: they keep a theme without being TOO matchy. I especially like Josiah and Nariah from the octuplets, and I like Amerah, a cool name in my opinion, from the other kids.   


  1. JNE said,

    I commented on the sunday post over on appellationmountain, but I’ll say this, I don’t mind the Bible names at all, they’re fine, although fairly common for the boy names, but I find the relentless -ah endings a bit much… and I find the re-use of Makai as a first in this set (when she used it as a middle previously) perplexing… especially as it’s the only not -ah ender of the bunch. I can only speculate it was the “surprise” eighth baby, hence a different name outside the set…. but that still strikes me as odd.

    Otherwise, the names are generally not my taste.

  2. Octuplets » Names From… The California Octuplets said,

    […] Paige’s Page O’ Names! wrote an interesting post today on Names From… The California OctupletsHere’s a quick excerptBut now I am back, with commentary on the highly polarizing news story of the California Octuplets….More accurately, the babies are the Suleman octuplets, born to 33-year-old divorcee Nadya Suleman…. […]

  3. Mike said,

    Just passing by.Btw, your website have great content!

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  4. Esme said,

    I used to thoroughly like Bible names, or at least most of them, but now I am so tired of them. I think it’s because I see them everywhere on Boards, particularly Noah! And the matchiness of the octuplet names jars me, though I suppose that will be the least of their worries in the future!

  5. Paige said,

    Thanks for stopping by, Mike! Also, thanks for the feedback JNE!
    Also, Esme, you made a great point- they are a little matchy-matchy and common, but like you said it’s their situation that’s more to be worried about…

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